I realize Pavlova is not a mainstream dessert. With that in mind I set out to give it an update that would attract a few more takers. To do so, I traded in the traditional berries and cream pairing and selected a few populist favorites like Snickers and brownies for a coupling, and then paired that against a caramel and chocolate drizzle. The resulting feedback, “You carni-fied a Pavlova. I love you.”
Snickers and Brownie Pavlova
What a compliment, not the I love you, but the descriptor: carnified. A descriptor made up by my friends and I to cover food that borders on having a carnival or fair-like food element. You know, stuff such as fried butter, fried Kool-Aid—in this instance it’s turning a traditionally ordinary fruit dessert into a magical candy-laced experience.
But before you think I’m high-fiving myself here, let’s be real — I missed a step. True carnification would have been to deep fry the Snickers first. Now that would have been something to behold. Instead this is one tier down with a peel and chop attribute. So if anyone goes true carni-style, please come back and let us know if deep frying the Snickers is worth it
- 6 oz eggs whites (about 5-6 large eggs)
- 1 1/4 cup granulated sugar
- 1/4 powdered sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 teaspoon distilled white vinegar
- pinch of salt
- 6 oz brownies, crum
- 6 oz Snickers, chopped
- 2 cups whipped cream (recipe follows)
- 1 cup heavy cream
- 1/4 cup confectioner sugar
Heat oven to 275 degrees F. Line bake sheet with parchment.
- Place egg whites in a stand mixer bowl fitted with a whisk and whip until soft peaks hold. Gradually add in both sugars and then vanilla and vinegar. Increase speed and whip until mixture is free of sugar grit when rubbed between two fingers and the meringue holds stiff and glossy peaks.
- Spread meringue into six inch circles, making sure to create a slight well at the center. Bake meringue for about 50-60 minutes or until meringue turns a slight shade of cream.Turn off oven and leave door ajar and let meringue cool completely in the oven.
- To assemble: Place first layer of meringue on serving platter and spread whipped cream on top. Sprinkle chopped Snickers and Brownies on top. Drizzle with caramel and chocolate sauce. Repeat with remaining with meringue layers. Serve immediately or within a few hours.
- Place beaters and bowl in freezer to chill for at least ten minutes.
- Place heavy cream and sugar in chilled bowl and whisk until stiff peaks hold.